Use a 6S performance tracker board as part of your continuous improvement strategy. Above all, make improvement visual with daily targets with achievable goals.

6S performance tracker board with daily tracking

Above all, include a daily tracking section that works with dry wipe (dry eraze) pens. For example, green for ‘above expectation’. Similarly, blue for ‘meets expectation’. Finally, red for ‘below expectation’. Most importantly, track progress throughout the duration of a month. As a result, know when to take action for improvement.

6S performance tracker board with visual standards

So, show what your workplace should look like. In other words, use a photo reference of how a work area should look at best. Therefore, give your team instant visual reference for the target.

Define the 6S strategy

In short, make clear what each of the S targets stand for. Furthermore, how the process works. Firstly, ‘Sort’. Secondly, ‘Set in order’. So, these relate to sorting out the work area and making key equipment set in a way that is accessible.

Next, ‘Standardise’. In other words, make this orderliness your standard. Further aim to meet that standard everyday. This is where the next step of the process comes in… In other words, ‘Sustain’ the habit. As a result, use the daily tracking facility to support this.

Finally, for the 6S strategy: ‘Safety’. Consequently, consider safety at every stage.

6S performance tracker board with status

In brief, use RAG status dials to make status instantly visual and clear. As a result, colleagues can make decisions and take action. Above all, visual status indicators deliver at a glance recognition.

Further examples of 6S boards

Gain further ideas for your 6S board by exploring our similar recent projects. Therefore, visit our 5S gallery. In addition, read further info about 6S boards.

6S performance tracker board gallery multi sheet doc holders A5 status dials
Make your own 6S Board. So similar to this case study example.
6s status dials gallery doc holders
Use the dry wipe (dry eraze)  daily tracking function to build best habits
6S Performance Tracker Board
Above all, make status visual. In addition, at a glance.
6S status meters
Explore the wealth of other 5s and 6S examples  we have made. So,  follow the links to the left or below…

Examples of our 5S and 6S Boards

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Use 6S to increase performance and productivity. Standardise your procedures and organise your workspace using 6S visual management.

Related Resources

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Our Approach

We create visual management boards everyday. As a result we have plenty of experience. We work for organisations in food production, the power industry, national rail, pharmaceuticals, education, healthcare, packaging and distribution.

Our team works with a simple idea or sketch and creates a professionally designed layout. This is then turned into a highly functional visual management board.

We offer customised options because we want to create the perfect board for you. So, here are a few examples. We can add magnetic areas or a dry-wipe finish (for use with whiteboard pens). Furthermore, you can choose Red/Green sliders or R.A.G. (Red, Amber, Green) status dials so you can quickly and visually update your board. These are just a few examples of the ways in which our boards can be tailored to meet your needs. You may also be interested in whiteboard overlays that can be used on top of an existing magnetic board.

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