Visual Management magnetics
Explore the key points of our visual management magnetic options. In other words, find out how to increase functionality of your visual management board.
Explore the key points of our visual management magnetic options. In other words, find out how to increase functionality of your visual management board.
Find out more about this Operational Master Plan Board Case Study. Show your values and mission and track their progress. Add status indicators to increase engagement.
Explore how to use coloured magnetic document holders to show status, as part of creating a visual workplace. Consequently, make key information visual, accessible and up-to-date. As a result, empower your team. Equally important, drive efficiency and deliver best practise.
Explore ideas for how to use document holders for visual management. Make information visual, at a glance. Furthermore, accessible. In addition, easy to update at any time. See the full range here.
This customised noticeboard works because it is quick and easy to update. Firstly, because of the A4 document holders. Notices are added and removed in an instant. Secondly, this noticeboard includes changeable magnetic labels for different departments. Importantly, these magnetic labels are changed, swapped or moved easily. In other words, this visual management noticeboard offers complete flexibility for the content it displays. Sized to fit perfectly fit the workspace and lockable. A flexible noticeboard full of functionality.
Custom size single sheet magnetic document holders. High quality, shatterproof and fit for production settings. Find out more...