We understand the daily challenges facing the sales industry.
Above all, we custom make visual management tools to meet those challenges.

Read on for examples of successful visual management for sales settings…

Start my sales visual management board
Pont KPI Sales board
Track your Sales KPIs

Meeting targets – visual management for sales

Use Key Performance Indicator boards to set goals and then track performance. In other words, use these KPI boards to provide the status for each target. Most importantly, they give clear visual cues. Consequently, update progress instantly. Above all, they prompt action for meeting targets. KPI boards are an essential visual management tool for any progressive sales environment.

Tracking progress – visual management for sales

Use visual management to display sales figures. So, choose to show your sales for the week. Similarly, display monthly or yearly sales figures. Showing your team’s sales progress increases engagement and motivation. Consequently, improve overall performance.

monthly sales board
Dry wipe updates are quick and easy
V12 Appointments Tracker printed whiteboard gallery
Show and track sales appointments

Record appointments and results – visual management for sales

Use visual management boards to be show what you need. For example, display sales meeting appointments like in this example. Likewise, show the results of the meetings. Furthermore, combine different departments/locations on the same board. Involve your whole team with visual management concepts.

Start my sales visual management board

Tracking leads – visual management for sales

Use visual management to record your advertising and social media campaigns. So, choose to show your individual platforms and relevant spend. Similarly, track the results of these campaigns and display the resultant sales figures. Consequently, improve targeted spend and increase revenue.

Focus sales printed whiteboard gallery
We can use your custom brand colours to design your sales board
Pilgrims status dials faces gallery
Add sales indicators to your sales board for snapshot of targets

Status indicators – visual management for sales

Use status indicators to provide real time updates for your goals, targets and progress. For example, choose red amber green ‘face’ status dials like in this example. Likewise, red green status sliders can be used with any board. Furthermore, colour coded magnetic labels can be used for a highly visual approach. In conclusion, bring your board to life and increase team engagement with your targets and progress.

Customer feedback – visual management for sales

Use visual management to track your customer service and feedback strategies. Choose a colour coded board to engage your team. In addition, add a status indicator, such as these red green status sliders, to show up to date progress on your sales board.

Start my sales visual management board
customer feedback orders gallery status sliders
Red green status meters show progress of feedback
dry wipe operations KPI board
A combination of status indicators and dry wipe for ultimate engagement

Dry wipe updates – visual management for sales

Share targets and goals clearly on your sales board. So, make updating goals and revenues easy by choosing dry wipe (dry eraze) finish. Furthermore, choose to add custom status indicator sliders to your sales board to reflect your dry wipe updates. Consequently, engage your team.

Marketing Information – visual management for sales

Design a custom marketing or events information board. Include accessories from our wide range. So, document holders keep information safe yet visually accessible. Furthermore, add a ring binder. This example utilises a postbox for suggestions. Finally, a whiteboard marker set means dry wipe updates are easy and convenient.

Start my sales visual management board
Marketing Information board
Choose from a full range of board accessories

Examples of our Sales Boards

Related Resources and Case Studies

Monthly Sales KPI Tracker Board

Sales KPI tracker board
Further Reading

Performance Tracker Board

Performance tracker board mag labels sliders
Case Study

Options and accessories

Further board options

  • Number of days since last board
  • BM Steel SQCDE mobile whiteboard gallery
Discuss your options now. Above all, we help

Further board accessories

  • Emballator status shield
  • Magnetic status numbers
  • Communications doc holder
  • status board sliders text
Contact us to further discuss accessories

Our Approach

Most importantly, we make visual management boards everyday. As a result, we have so much experience. Furthermore, we work for organisations throughout the UK. Likewise, in Europe and America. Similarly, we support businesses in a range of sectors.  Firstly, food production. Secondly, utilities and transport. In addition, pharmaceuticals, education and healthcare. Furthermore, logistics and distribution. Above all, our team works with a simple idea or sketch you have. Subsequently, we custom make you a professional visual management display. As a result, we custom make you a highly functional visual management board. We offer options so we make the perfect board for you. So, here are a few examples. Firstly, for instance, we add magnetic areas. Similarly, a dry wipe (dry erase) finish. Furthermore, choose status indicators. in addition, board accessories. Therefore, quickly update your board. Above all, in a visual way. In short, make your processes visible. similarly, accessible. Most importantly, at a glance. These are just some examples of the ways in which we meet your needs. Read further visual management resources articles. Similarly, visual management case studies.

Start my visual management board

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