PPE changing procedures
Our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) changing procedure displays work because they make changing procedures clear and visible. First of all, the PPE changing procedure board works in the locker or changing room. It shows what PPE must be worn before entering critical production areas. Likewise, it displays the PPE changing procedure. Above all, it makes clear which item(s) of equipment must be put on, and in what order.
Number each stage in your changing procedures process
Add a mirror to your PPE board
PPE check stations
PPE check stations are located just before the entrance to critical areas because they offer a final checkpoint for anyone entering that area. Our check boards show PPE being worn correctly. Because it’s universally clear, we display green ticks on this part of the board. In contrast, a second purpose of the check board is to display any common mistakes in relation to PPE. As a result, we also show PPE not being worn correctly on this part of the board. Furthermore, mistakes are highlighted with a red cross. Likewise, we also produce PPE check stations at the exit of critical areas. These show the changing procedure when leaving the production environment.
Above all, both PPE and changing procedure boards, and PPE check stations ensure standards are met. Similarly, we also produce hand wash procedure boards.
PPE Check Station Examples
Made for you
Each PPE and changing procedure board we make is unique because it is made for you. First of all, it is customised so it shows what you need. Furthermore, your board is also custom sized. This is so it fits perfectly in your changing room or at the entrance to critical areas. Because you might have steel clad walls, we offer magnetic PPE and changing procedure boards. Most noteworthy, these can be removed and cleaned easily and, likewise, the wall behind can be washed.
If needed, our team visits and photographs the procedures because sometimes this is the easiest way. Similarly, however, we happily work with your own photos of the procedures if this is an easier way forward.
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Our Approach
Most importantly, we make visual management boards everyday. As a result, we have so much experience. Furthermore, we work for organisations throughout the UK. Likewise, in Europe and America. Similarly, we support businesses in a range of sectors.  Firstly, food production. Secondly, utilities and transport. In addition, pharmaceuticals, education and healthcare. Furthermore, logistics and distribution. Above all, our team works with a simple idea or sketch you have. Subsequently, we custom make you a professional visual management display. As a result, we custom make you a highly functional visual management board. We offer options so we make the perfect board for you. So, here are a few examples. Firstly, for instance, we add magnetic areas. Similarly, a dry wipe (dry erase) finish. Furthermore, choose status indicators. in addition, board accessories. Therefore, quickly update your board. Above all, in a visual way. In short, make your processes visible. similarly, accessible. Most importantly, at a glance. These are just some examples of the ways in which we meet your needs. Read further visual management resources articles. Similarly, visual management case studies.