Use food contamination prevention boards to target potential contamination hot spots. Above all, visually show what actions need priority. For example, keeping areas dry. Most importantly, empower your team with the information they need.

About food contamination prevention visual management boards

Food contamination prevention boards form part of your overall strategy for disease control, such as Listeria, through to Foreign body boards, to control your production environment.

Listeria control visual management boards

Food contamination prevention boards can introduce the idea of listeria being an enemy to defeat. In this example, the visuals reflect listeria as a villain.

The supporting information follows a similar theme. They further show this villain’s ‘super power’ and what dangers to watch out for.

In short, these are quick at-a-glance points of reference to inform and educate the team. In addition, they give a checklist of action points to take too.

Foreign Body visual management boards

What is a foreign body board?

Foreign body visual management boards also help in your strategy against food contamination.

Before we discuss these boards, let’s take a step back. Therefore, let’s start by defining what a foreign body is. In short, it is any object that is found in somewhere it shouldn’t be. For example, a splinter is a foreign body in your finger.

A foreign body board has a number of purposes. Firstly, it shows examples of potential foreign bodies. Secondly, it identifies them. Finally, if one is found then it logs the location. Use your board to show examples potentially relevant to your setting. Above all, raise awareness and prevent foreign bodies.

In this example, there is a strong call to action. In other words, “LOOK!” Secondly, it assigns responsibility. Therefore, it says “Are you…?” Likewise, “Is your…?” In addition, in shows a mirror. As a result, the viewer will see their own reflection. Above all, this further supports the sense of responsibility. Finally, the yellow and black chevron frame relates the Health & Safety necessity of this board. In short, this board is simple and highly visual. As a result, it works.

Options for foreign body boards

Your foreign body board shows exactly the information you need so, for example, include your own team name. Your board is also custom sized. Therefore it fits perfectly in your work area and close to the process at hand.

Choose magnetic document holders or numbered magnetic labels. Above all, make your board stand out. Similarly, add colour coded status dials to instantly show an area’s status. Therefore you can choose Red/Green sliders or Red, Amber, Green (RAG) status dials for your board. Most importantly, this provides instant reference.  These are just some examples of how our foreign body boards meet your needs. We custom make each one because, above all, they must work for you.

See further foreign body visual board examples. Similarly, see further visual PPE examples.

Start my food contamination prevention board
listeria control board
Beware! This listeria control board gives instant visual points of action
listeria control board hot spot
Show how to tackle potential listeria hot spots
Show and identify your foreign bodies
Foreign body board
Custom made boards mean they work for you
lock out tag out station
Document holders keep information accessible and visual

Examples of our Health & Safety Boards

Related Resources and Case Studies

Allergen Control Visual Management

Valeo production allergen status dial
Explore here

Allergen Status Indicator

Valeo production allergen status dial
Further Reading

Foreign Body Visual Boards

H&S mirror
Further Reading

How VM delivers Quality

daily direction setting board
Further Reading

Our Approach

We create visual management boards everyday. As a result we have plenty of experience. We work for organisations in food production, the power industry, national rail, pharmaceuticals, education, healthcare, packaging and distribution.

Our team works with a simple idea or sketch and creates a professionally designed layout. This is then turned into a highly functional visual management board.

We offer customised options because we want to create the perfect board for you. So, here are a few examples. We can add magnetic areas or a dry-wipe finish (for use with whiteboard pens). Furthermore, you can choose Red/Green sliders or R.A.G. (Red, Amber, Green) status dials so you can quickly and visually update your board. These are just a few examples of the ways in which our boards can be tailored to meet your needs. You may also be interested in whiteboard overlays that can be used on top of an existing magnetic board.

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