Make maintenance planning visual by making your own Planned Maintenance Board. So, similar to the one shown here. Nevertheless, show your own content. As a result, meet the needs of your site. Likewise, show your own jobs or projects. As a result, your Planned Maintenance Board reflects your operations.
Monthly Planned Maintenance Board
This planned maintenance board includes up to ten jobs per month. Furthermore, it covers an entire year. Therefore, planned maintenance can be tracked for numerous jobs throughout the year.
Planned Maintenance Board with visual status
Track progress across the month for each job. In this case, for instance, using Red Amber Green (RAG) status counters. As a result, the status of each job is instantly visual. Above all, status is quick and easy to update anytime. Likewise, per job. As a result, work for real time visual information that is accessible at a glance. This works because it is a fundamental principle of visual management. In other words, visual status is quick to understand.
RAG dispensers for counters
So, choose to add counter dispensers to your board. Therefore, keep counters safe and neat when not in use. Furthermore, choose the colour of dispenser you want. For example, in this case, red, amber green dispensers match the counter colours.
How Planned Maintenance Boards work for you
In short, your planned maintenance board makes your maintenance process visual. Likewise, you choose the board content you want to show. Similarly, you decide how your board functions. Therefore, we support you to make the perfect planned maintenance boards for your workplace. In other words, we custom make each and every one to meet your exact needs.
Further examples
Gain further ideas for visual management at your site. Therefore, visit our ideas galleries