The term modular visual management boards means every element is changeable. In other words, every component is magnetic. Why is this helpful? In short, because it is visual, flexible and functional. Furthermore, swap and change content whenever you want.

How Modular Visual Management Boards work

1. Choose board

Modular Visual Management Board example Abcam

2. Add content

Magnetic overlay for modular visual management board

3. Add function

Magnetic heading for modular visual management board

4. Add status

status dials modular visual management board

Board options are:

  • Printed or plain
  • Custom design
  • Frameless board
  • Printed whiteboard
  • Mobile whiteboard
  • Whiteboard overlay
  • Any size
  • Dry wipe and magnetic

Add magnetic content:

  • Change anytime
  • Magnetic overlays
  • Headings
  • Titles
  • Sub-headings
  • Easy peel
  • Choose design
  • Strong and durable

Add further functions:

  • Document holders
  • Labels
  • Number sets
  • Colour coding
  • Any sizes
  • Add text
  • Choose style
  • Custom design

A further optional step, add status with:

  • Status labels
  • RAG status dials
  • Red/Green sliders
  • Status meters
  • Add text
  • Dry wipe
  • Choose colours

Why our Modular Visual Management Boards work



Real Time



Resilient Modular Visual Management Boards

Made from durable and strong magnetic. Therefore, this new type of visual management board suits even the toughest manufacturing environment.

Start my Modular Visual Management Board
modular magnetic visual management boards
Strong and durable. Therefore, suits all environments

Examples of our Modular Visual Management boards

modular magnetic visual management boards labels
Versatile and flexible. Therefore, our modular boards support Continuous Improvement

Why Modular Visual Management Boards are easy to update

In short, because every component is easy to change. So, make daily changes for real time updating. Likewise, update any element anytime in the future. In addition, reconfigure the entire board layout.

Above all, this modular approach is visual, flexible, versatile, and functional.

Start my Modular Visual Management Board

Further options for Modular Visual Management Boards

Firstly, choose to make all (or some) of the elements on your board dry wipe. Therefore, make quick and easy written updates.

In addition, create double sided modular boards using mobile boards.

double sided mobile whiteboard
Many options available. So, for example, choose dry wipe. Furthermore, make your board mobile

Options and accessories

Further board options

  • Number of days since last board
  • Skyrora Magnetic overlay
  • BM Steel SQCDE mobile whiteboard gallery
Discuss your options now. Above all, we help

Further board accessories

  • Emballator status shield
  • Magnetic status numbers
  • Communications doc holder
  • status board sliders text
Contact us to further discuss accessories

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Quality status Indicator Meter

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Related Resources and Case Studies

Futureproof visual management boards

status dials modular visual management board
Read article

Magnetic visual management boards

Magnetic heading for modular visual management board
Read article

Modular visual management board

magnetic document holders for modular visual management board
Case Study

Visual management status in action

Status dials percentages
Case Study

Our Approach

Most importantly, we make visual management boards everyday. As a result, we have so much experience. Furthermore, we work for organisations throughout the UK. Likewise, in Europe and America. Similarly, we support businesses in a range of sectors.  Firstly, food production. Secondly, utilities and transport. In addition, pharmaceuticals, education and healthcare. Furthermore, logistics and distribution. Above all, our team works with a simple idea or sketch you have. Subsequently, we custom make you a professional visual management display. As a result, we custom make you a highly functional visual management board. We offer options so we make the perfect board for you. So, here are a few examples. Firstly, for instance, we add magnetic areas. Similarly, a dry wipe (dry erase) finish. Furthermore, choose status indicators. in addition, board accessories. Therefore, quickly update your board. Above all, in a visual way. In short, make your processes visible. similarly, accessible. Most importantly, at a glance. These are just some examples of the ways in which we meet your needs. Read further visual management resources articles. Similarly, visual management case studies.

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