Stands Out

Info Rich

Drives targets

Tracks Progress

Updates Easily

Custom make your own sustainability board. Most importantly, set your sustainability targets and track progress. Include areas that are easy to update so your board lasts the duration of your sustainability plan. Show instant progress with status dials. Deliver a sustainability site plan in a visual way. Engage your team within the process. Above all, use your sustainability board to meet sustainability targets.

Make a board that stands out

Highly visible and bright. Make your sustainability board extremely visual. As a result, it stands out within its surroundings. Furthermore, colours match subjects. For example, green shows progress to reduce carbon emissions. Likewise, bright yellow relates to energy use.

magnetic whiteboard overlay
Create visual impact so your targets stand out
Stainless Steel Hooks
Display sustainability information
Stainless Steel Hooks
Custom made document holders show your strategy

Information rich sustainability board

Your sustainability board must bring together information and targets. Both these elements work together. They bring your sustainability plan to life. Firstly, they show what has been achieved. For instance, “Since 2014 we have sent zero waste to landfill”. It motivates the team to see what progress has already happened.

Secondly, use your sustainability board to show the impact of your sustainability plan. For example, “Moving to our more efficient boiler will save the equivalent of 100 return flights from Stansted to Inverness”. This works because it tangibly communicates the difference your efforts make.

Finally, sets clear targets with your sustainability board. Most importantly, make the current status for each target instantly clear. Show Red, Amber or Green and track progress in a universally visible way.

Start My Visual Management Board

Examples of our Sustainability Boards

Set clear targets

Magnetic numbers and R.A.G. (Red Amber Green) status dials make it easy to continuously update your targets. That is to say, they can change daily and therefore support your adapting workplace. Furthermore, they proactively encourage continuous improvement. This is because they drive the pursuit of the Green status. Likewise, reach Green and then, if you choose, update the target. This drives further improvement, and so on.

Make your sustainability board work specifically for your site. In other words, show whatever targets you choose. This is possible because we custom make your sustainability board for you. Therefore, we create an adaptable design that delivers on two levels. Firstly, your board is in keeping with the overall style and brand of your site. Secondly, because of the tailored approach, your board shows specific targets and information relevant to your site.

Because targets need to evolve, they need to be updated easily.

magnetic whiteboard overlay
Add Red Amber Green (RAG) status dials because these show progress
Start My Visual Management Board
magnetic whiteboard overlay
Use magnetic labels so you can make numerical updates. Above all, these bring your board to life

Updatable board with magnetic features

Make updates quickly and easily. We custom make magnetic labels to meet this need. As a result, numerical statistics and other data is changeable. Importantly, this reflects the progress for each target. Above all, magnetic labels are quick and easy to use. Furthermore, clean them and the areas they attach to easily, then replace them. In short, magnetic labels are durable, flexible, adaptable and hygienic.


Choose status indicators for your sustainability board

Track progress with the universal Red, Amber, Green system. Similarly, you may choose Red Green sliders. We produce status dials and sliders to fit your board. Status dials work because they show progress. Most importantly, they make a target’s status instantly clear. For example, target achieved is Green. Target to do is Red. Progress is in action is Amber. Above all, status dials serve an adaptive workplace that is continuously improving.

magnetic whiteboard overlay
Choose status sliders or status dials. Firstly, because they have visual impact. Secondly, because they show status for targets. Finally, they are instantly understood
Start My Visual Management Board
magnetic whiteboard overlay
Multi-site sustainability board. Above all, set the standard for all sites

Future proof sustainability board

Because it is easy to update, your board works for the duration of your site plan.

Custom made

All our design work is bespoke. Likewise, your sustainability board is particularly sized to work at your site. Furthermore, choose to create a series of boards to work across in multiple locations. To clarify, choose to show your sustainability board in more than one location on the same site. On the other hand, display one board at multiple sites. Make each one the right size for the given space.

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Printed Whiteboard example

Whiteboards from us are framed or unframed, and sized to fit your space. They can be designed for use in office, factory or outside environments. 

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Quality status Indicator Meter

Make the status of your processes visible in real time by using a status indicator. Choose from dials, sliders, gauges, magnetic colour coded labels and more.

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sustainability board

Drive your sustainability plan in a visual way with a custom designed board. Engage your team with targets and show progress in real time with status dials.

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Related Resources and Case Studies

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Our Approach

Most importantly, we make visual management boards everyday. As a result, we have so much experience. Furthermore, we work for organisations throughout the UK. Likewise, in Europe and America. Similarly, we support businesses in a range of sectors.  Firstly, food production. Secondly, utilities and transport. In addition, pharmaceuticals, education and healthcare. Furthermore, logistics and distribution. Above all, our team works with a simple idea or sketch you have. Subsequently, we custom make you a professional visual management display. As a result, we custom make you a highly functional visual management board. We offer options so we make the perfect board for you. So, here are a few examples. Firstly, for instance, we add magnetic areas. Similarly, a dry wipe (dry erase) finish. Furthermore, choose status indicators. in addition, board accessories. Therefore, quickly update your board. Above all, in a visual way. In short, make your processes visible. similarly, accessible. Most importantly, at a glance. These are just some examples of the ways in which we meet your needs. Read further visual management resources articles. Similarly, visual management case studies.

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